Feedback Informed Treatment

What is Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT)?

Measurement based care that is facilitated at every session based on research of improved treatment outcomes with patients. This is a short 2-3 minute questionnaire provided to patients at the beginning and end of every session and is done to track progress within your treatment.

Why FIT?

Our team facilitates these questions and discusses the results with you to ensure our patients are reaching their goals for treatment and the work is collaborative.  As providers we are constantly adjusting treatment plans based on progress in treatment and direct feedback from our patients. We understand that our patients’ time and resources are valuable and we try to ensure effective care.


– If I am reaching past the clinical cutoff is treatment ended?

No, we strive to go beyond the baseline for our patients. The time a patient graduates from treatment will be determined together in collaboration.

– What if I am not making progress in treatment based on the measures?

Our team will meet to look at cases that are not progressing in treatment. We will work to determine other tools, supports, resources a patient may benefit from given their clinical presentation. At times it may mean a transfer to another provider to ensure client needs are met.

-This is a subjective measure, how do you know it is accurate?

Our team of providers works with each client to determine their goals for treatment that are specific to them and their needs. We ask our clients to answer these questions based on the overall goal for treatment to ensure the measures do not become just a thermometer for how they might be feeling on a day to day basis but on a more global view. These measures have also been studied and research extensively and are considered an evidence based.

-Do I need to take the measures every time?

Yes, too ensure we see the expected change in treatment we need to assess at every session. We also want to see when progress has stopped as soon as possible so that we can make adjustments early on. This helps to ensure you are more likely to reach your goals for treatment.

Please contact with questions.



Training/Consultation for Feedback Informed Treatment

We have experience training clinical teams around the practice and implementation of FIT. Please reach out to discuss training and consultation for FIT.

Complete a training form here:

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